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What are your Responsibilities When Dealing with a Divorce Attorney?

Since the beginning of 21st century, divorces have become quite common. One in every 4 couples is likely to divorce, and from those couples who do divorce, ½ of them will include an attorney on at least one side.

What happens if you enter the divorce process and are facing your spouse’s divorce attorney? Here are some tips that will help you understand your responsibilities when dealing with such a situation.

Consider Hiring an Attorney

​There is no way back since your spouse decided to hire an attorney. Time for talking is over, and all that is left is to protect your interests and get the most out of your divorce. You can do this by hiring an experienced and seasoned Divorce Attorney in Fort Lauderdale. There are many attorneys in Florida who are young and inexperienced; placing your fate in one of their hands may cost you more than you could afford to lose.

Play it safe. Give us a call today, and we will schedule a free initial consultation with you. We offer legal counseling, guidance and will provide you with a free case review. Don’t worry about the attorney’s fees; we will make you an offer you cannot refuse.

​Be Prepared to Share

If your spouse has a representing attorney, you should be prepared to settle things down according to the book. As long as divorce is “clean”, both you and your spouse will receive half of everything you guys own, as long as it is acquired during your marriage. If you didn’t create a prenup before getting married, half of everything you now own belongs to your spouse, and vice versa. However, keep in mind that with a help of an attorney, your spouse may gain more from the marriage. This is why it is important to hire an attorney yourself, to ensure that you don’t lose everything.

This is especially important if you have children. Their custody may be granted to your soon-to-be ex-spouse if you don’t do something about it. Would you like to visit your children once a week, or once a month? Would that satisfy your need to spend time with them? If the answer is no, you know what to do. Be prepared to fight for what is yours, and don’t think that your spouse will go easy on you, no matter how your marriage looked like. Just like in poker game, this is an all-in game.

​Spousal Maintenance and Child Support

Every 2nd divorced guy in Florida is paying for child support. When struggling to keep your job, or getting suddenly laid off, paying for child support can be quite difficult. Additionally, if you have any type of spousal maintenance added to it, you may go bankrupt before you know it. You will never have the life you once had. You will forever become a prisoner of spousal maintenance and child support unless you call our Ford Lauderdale Divorce Attorneys today and ask for professional help. We are ready to help get a better life, so call us before it is too late. You only have one shot to make things right.
